Wednesday, February 29, 2012

One of the days where its really hard and I wonder....

Its been one of the days where its hard. Really hard.Its been raining all day, I couldn't speak to Endy as he was so busy with his Asasi Open day not even a tiny message for the past 8 hours. Not spoken to kids. Days been lousy have not spoken to kids for fear that my mood will set them off feeling worse than happy. Not been able to get washing machine to work. Clothes torn a bit and had to hand wash instead coz the machine's broke. Couldnt get to gym because its raining and bus detouring further off now from home.
Makes me wonder what the hell am I doing here....

Monday, February 27, 2012

What a lovely Monday its been today!!

Hello all,
Well today started off with me making sandwiches for lunch which comprised 99.9% fat free Philadelphia cheese, rocket,lettuce and crabsticks in fat free mayonaisse in white..yum yum!! Then when Nani and I stepped out of the house the weaher was ever so nice and cool I could jump in joy!! Later like every other Monday both me and Claudia made our way to WCH to...well you guessed it cross inoculate more samples..! This time we managed around 250 samples in total for a day which now basically leaves us about 1300 ish more to go.. By the time we finished it was lunch time and I was really happy to munch away the sandwich I had made which after that made me feel very happy with myself :)
Today I finally got to meet Richard one of the postdocs who has just had a baby and a two week paternity leave. Like everyone else in my group he's really nice.
I also got told by David and Charlie that my British accent was still oops! :-)
Just got off Facetime with my lovelies Baba Arian and Gagi. The reasons I am doing this really really hard thing in my life right now. But the chat was a good one, happy sampai the kids nak tidur and Baba going all sleepy. A perfect way to end today.
To sum up, today has been a wonderful day for me ; syukur alhamdulillah. Can't thanks you enough, Allah Ya-Rabbi.
Speak to you all soon..!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Now time for some photos..! Enjoy!

me and dearest Beave walking through the park on Saturday
The walk to my unit/apartment
The street where I live
The bus stop for when I am too lazy to walk

My very messy study table in my room- well they say a tidy table is a sign of an idle mind right?

Syukur alhamdulillah for MUCH better weather

Hello all,
Late last night before I went off to bed feeling very very uncomfortable due to the terrible high temperature and heat ( it was bleeding 39C yesterday can you beat that???) I promised myself that I will no longer allow myself to be subjected to this much discomfort that I planned to go out today and hide somewhere in the cool nice atmosphere of a shopping plaza somewhere and catch 'Safe House' while I were at it. The reason for this was I felt so bleeding annoyed at feeling so uncomfortable on the Saturday but was duly informed by mates that Sunday was going to be worse.
So imagine my suprise when I woke up this morning to cooler temperature. At first I told myself don't get too ahead in your thoughts Zarina its still early hours yet. So I decided that since I was going to only go out sometime at 11 am I was going to curl in up bed and get up when it starts to feel uncomfortable. But then when I did eventually get out of bed it still didnt feel warm out and was tremendously surprised to see clouds outside a cool breeze coming through our windows.
After a nice fried Indomie breakfast and chat with Nani we decided that the weather has now gotten cooler and will probably not be as hot as yesterday.
Well that notion really cheered me up and after discussing with Nani about going out I got to call my family, and sisters and that really made my day.. :-)
So basically I got to go out today but had to walk via another route since the were closing Bartel Road and placing bandstands and seats for the upcoming Clipsal Race here in March. It was a good day as I got to do some grocery shopping and had a nice big serving of Boost! By three pm we were home and still sempat sembahyang Zuhur.
Oh, I also ordered the kids' XBox 360 Star Wars Kinect at a whopping AUD549. Although after that I am now officially skint I am happy that I have managed to get the kids and their dad what they would really like.
Today, I am a happy bunny and I have to thank Allah for this unexpected surprise of cheerfulness brought on mainly by the much milder the fact that I got to speak with my family and got to do something nice for the kids and Baba which I know they will happy about.
Tomorrow it will be another 300 samples to inoculate. But I am looking forward to it.
See you guys!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Panas lagi teruk dari MALAYSIA....

Hello all,
I havent been good this week I know but I blame it all on the few hundred isolates we had to do since Monday. All in all its been great so far but there are still around 1600 more to transfer from WCH to the lab. After that I will start doing the actual biofilm assay which will be my first methodology for my research. I am pretty excited about it but however I would guess that it wont be before end of March when I can start. At the moment my research work has been great. My co-supervisor Claudia has been teaching me all sorts of Italian swear words..! My group is a good mix of people from diferrent background-Italian, Nigerian, Iraqi, British, Australia and Malaysian (me -lah) . Last Friday we went out for lunch at San Gorgio's in Rundle Street for some Italian food. It was a great crowd to lepak with but the food wasnt so good. Little Italy in KK was so much better.
Anyway today I had the opportunity to catch up with my sisters after feeling really rubbish with the heatwave a few days ago. Its been great. Things between me and my dearest Andy are also good, syukur alhamdulillah . Its probably funny that I say this but we have more time for face to face chats now than we did when we were in KK, amongst other things :-) Smiley's for Fendi...
Well got to go. I tried to read a paper on biofilm just now but have now given up.
Speak to you later..!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sampling on Monday

Hello everyone,
Just a little bit of a update of what I have been up to today and yesterday. Well both days have been really lovely with the sun out so nice. Plus it is the official O-Week " Orientation of International Students" but more for undergraduates. So many events were going off and will be for the entire week. James, Claudia and I at 9.30 am yesterdat took a 20 minute walk along River Murray to Women Children's Hospital for sample collection. When we got there we were told we had to do the actual culture in the lab itself and so 3 hours and 161 samples later both me and Claudia were triptrotting back to the lab amidst all the lovely noise and nice weather.
Today's been full with sorting out subcultures of yesterday's isolates. Felt a bit tired tonight but will feel better tomorrow.
Maybe I can write better then eh?
Night all..

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Jalan Jalan on a Sunday

Hello all,
Today was a very nice day with the sun shining out so Nani and I decided to go out for a bit of jalan jalan. We first went to visit her cousin in a suburb somewhere away from the city and then along with him we went to Tea Tree Plaza. Its a rather nice shopping plaza and I managed to get a few nice things for me and also did some grocery shopping for the week.
Its been nice so far insyaAllah. I feel better than I did today last week so insyaAllah it'll be better. Syukur alhamdulillah too for a really nice housemate like Nani.
Tonight I will Facetime with the kids and Baba and tomorrow will be sampling day for me. Can't wait. I also realized today that I have put on a bit of weight around the middle so tomorrow gym is a MUST!!!
By the way, I have already bought tickets to go home. Hurray!!
It looks to me that I maybe on the way to feeling better about being here on my own. Although I miss my family everyday but each day it seems that I felt a bit better than the day before. Perhaps it is because I know I am going back for a bit soon thats helped; insyaAllah.
Oh by the way I will be sampling the first 200 of 2000 clinical isolates tomorrow at the WCH
(Women Children Hospital) with Claudia and James. She keeps calling me 'Cara' that woman..but bless isnt she ever so nice. I am so blessed that Allah has simplified matters for me so much here. I pray to Allah that I will keep my faith and hopes with him and not forget how important He is to me.
Tomorrow I will be seeing James to discuss with him about the happenings of last week and my CSSP and IBP-R programmes.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Will write again tomorrow.
To my husband Andy who may or may not be reading this I love you and us so much and will do my best to be okay and do good in my studies. To my kids Ayan and Gagi I love and miss you guys so much but isn't it great we have Facetime ? At least hilang sikit rindu Mama kat you all. To my sisters Amon, Along Rudy and my brother Bobo - u guys mean the world to me and love you so much. To my dearest friends cum sisters Kak Warda, Dayang, Azah, Kak Amal and family I miss you all so much and miss our lovely chats together.
To Nani, thanks for being a wonderful housemate.
A lot I have to be thankful for kan :-)

Love you guys . Speak to you soon

Monday, February 13, 2012

Meeting my reserach group

Hello all,
Today's my official start date at the School of Molecular Life Sciences and boy was I excited! I left home at 8am with the intention of getting a bus early to school but the day turned out to be so bright and cheery I decided to walk. As planned I had my IPod on to all Whitney Houston's songs digress a bit I felt really sad yesterday she was gone..

Got to school and met with the research group who turned out to be very nice. My co-supervisor is an Italian lady , a postdoc Dr. Claudia Trapetti and she's great! Well what can I say apart from me being quite tired right now all I can say right now for today is sukur alhamdulillah, thank you for your grace Allah..

Speak to you all later..

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Finally here

Hello all,
I am happy to report that I am finally here in Adelaide. Came here last week with Andy my dearest other half who has since this morning left for home :-(
So far things have been great syukur alhamdulillah. Upon arrival I was met by my supervisor who so far has been very friendly and helpful but nonetheless very keen on wanting me to start lab work asap. The idea of my project currently according to him ( oh forgot to mention his name its James Paton from the Paton Bacterial Pathogenesis Laboratory) will revolve around the analysis of the role of Lux S in the formation of biofilm in carriage and pathogenic isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae or at least that's what I think. I have so far had one opportunity to take a look round my lab and have met with my research group . My campus is great so far.

Adelaide is actually quite nice. It is the 5th largest city in Australia with mediterranean climate. My housemate is great and so's where I am staying. The only snag at the moment is that I am missing the kids so much :-(. I feel really sad whenever I skype with them knowing that I cant hug them goodnight.

But no matter I will plod along and do the best I can. This is afterall for them too and I will do my best to ensure that the sacrifice we as a family have to go through will not be in vain.

All the same thank you Allah for making many things easier for me than expected. Syukur. I will do my best.
Speak to you all later. Cheerio!