Sunday, March 30, 2014

Syukur alhamdulillah for a good week spent with kids

Assalamualaikum everyone,
Today marks the end of the first term school holidays for schoolchildren in Malaysia. Tomorrow Gagi will be going back to school which I hope he will look forward to. Just now I also said my goodbyes to Arian who has since gone back to his school, MCKK. Atuk, Nenek and his Baba Jai sent him and when we last spoke he seems to be looking forward to going back to school tomorrow. I think he has had a restful enjoyable one week holiday.

Syukur alhamdulillah, although I did not manage to come home this time to be with them, Allah swt has graced me with His permission to be able to facetime with them everyday this past week. Not only that my work only required me to be around in the morning so I always went home early to lepak with them via facetime. Arian when I first saw him surprised me a little bit with his appearance. He has grown very tall. Unsurprisingly he had lost a lot of weight. All the same he was still the same manja 'Chebobot' of mine as he would want to talk to me everyday and see my face on Facetime even when we didn't have much to say. But that didn't mean we didnt have a lot to talk about. LOADS!!! I am so glad I got to spend time with him because after I saw him last in January I think I only spoke to him three times for just a few minutes.

He enjoys his school but did confess to feeling overwhelmed with everything that he had to do by himself. Plus the fact that he did not do very well in his recent first term Test. Nevertheless, I tried my best to make him feel better by giving him loads of advice and words of encouragement. Especially when he was going through all the stuff that I did when I first arrived here. So I hope what I said has helped.

So now he has gone back to Koleq. I truly miss him and berdoa kepada Allah swt supaya memudahkan segala urusan pelajaran serta hidupnya di sana. I love you Abang. Mama sentiasa berdoa untuk kejayaan Abang dunia dan akhirat.

Likewise for Gagi. Now this is one boy who never FAIL to cheer me up every time. With all his strange antics from tales of Sherlock right up to seluar pelikat..dialah buah hati pengarang jantung Mama. The only challenge is for me in trying to skype /ft two kids in different locations and giving them equal time. Gagi will always say ' when will you have time for me??? ' Gagi..Gagi..

Baba pulak, is doing ok alhamdulillah. Cuma semakin sibuk. Tapi semakin comel..hehe..

Love you guys sooo much . Semoga Allah swt sentiasa mempermudahkan urusan you all dan memurahkan rezeki semua.

Likewise for my sisters and brothers, in laws, Mak, Abah, and all my darling friends. last but not least; for me. Amin

The price of wanting goodness for yourself and others

There are times in life when one feels that because you see goodness and you want goodness; out of a thing or someone you put your best effort to bring out that goodness in someone; so that in shaa Allah some of the goodness will also rub on you and bring you closer to Allah swt's blessings. No matter what the challenge. No matter what people say. All because you think you see the 'potential' that exists.

Sometimes things may not be what they seem. What if what you think you see isn't real ; or just a smokescreen ? What if what you see is what you want to see out of your zealous eagerness of wanting the goodness of someone to actually materialize; when in actual fact it really isn't there? What do you do then?

I think today of all days there exist two situations in which I am inclined to feel I may be wrong about some people and their situations. I do believe I have overstepped my boundaries in wanting what is right for them; as it might be that I have become confused as to what this really ought to be. That what I want is not what they want; no matter how right I think it is.

Perhaps it is indeed true what they say : You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.
You know, I think I have tried my best. I am now older than I used to be before with more responsibilities and less energy. Perhaps I best concentrate my remaining energy on what really matters. And who. So a thousand apologies to everyone out there who might have come away from me thinking " Yeah you think you might have said the right thing; but I need to hear it? " My sincere wish is only goodness for everyone whom I know, love and care about. As a responsibility and because I care.
