Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kumpulan doa-doa I got from FB


"Allahumma inni a’udzu bika minal barashi wal jununi wa judzami wa sayyi-il asqami.”

Ya Allah, aku berlindung padaMu dari penyakit belang, penyakit gila, penyakit kusta dan penyakit-penyakit lainya.” (H.R Muslim)


 "Allahumma ‘afini fi badani. Allahumma ‘afini fi sam’i. Allahumma ‘afini fi bashari. Allahumma inni a’udzu bika minal kufri wal faqri. Allahumma inni a’udzu bika min ‘adzabil qabri. La ilaha illa anta."

“Ya Allah, sehatkan lah badanku. Ya Allah, sehatkan lah pendengaranku. Ya Allah, sehatkan lah penglihatanku. Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kekafiran dan kefakiran. Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari siksa kubur, tiada Tuhan selain Engkau”


"Allahuma yassir wa laa tu'assir" 

Ya Allah, mudahkanlah jangan dipersulit."


 "Allahumaftah lana abwabal khairi wa abwabal barakati wa abwaban ni'mati wa abwabarrizki wa abwabal kuwati wabwabash shihhati wa abwabas salamati wa abwabal afiyati wa abwabal jannati" 

"Ya Allah, bukakanlah bagi kami pintu kebaikan, pintu keberkahan, pintu nikmat, pintu rizki, pintu kekuatan, pintu kesehatan, pintu keselamatan, pintu kebugaran, pintu surga"


 "Ya Allah, berikanlah kami rizki yg luas, yg halal lagi baik, tanpa memberatkan kami. jika rizki kami ada dilangit maka turunkanlah. Jika ada dibumi maka keluarkanlah. Jika jauh maka dekatkanlah. Jika dekat maka mudahkanlah. Jika sedikit maka banyakanlah. Jika banyak maka berkahilah agar kami dapat menolong anak yatim, orang2 miskin & orang2 yg kesusahan. Ya Allah, Kabulkanlah doa kami."


" Allahuma inni as-alukal huda wattuqo wal 'afaaf wal ghina" 

Artinya, Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon petunjuk, ketakwaan, kesucian dan kekayaan kepadaMu.

To place peace in your heart through Allah means everything..

Assalamualaikum and a happy Sunday everyone..

Well today has been a good day for me. To start with, the sun shone so brightly I couldn't believe it. As usual I started the day by cleaning up my room and chatting with Baba for a bit before making breakfast. Yesterday I had a lovely dream about our family and cannot wait for the time when will arrive here in less than six weeks (13.12.2012) to be exact.

After cooking breakfast I did the usual chores and decided since I was going to the lab to check the growth of my strains I might as well jalan jalan for a bit. I decided to go to Harbourtown where I managed to get a bargain for my leather belt at 2.86AUD and bought some crockery and cutlery for my apartment. I also got chance to meet up with Umi my friend at the Education Dept. for a bit. She came to our house for Eid on Friday and accidentally left her camera so I decided to return it.

When I went to the lab I was really hoping that I could count the colonies of the bacteria which would mean that my experiment worked. Unfortunately it didn't. At first I felt disappointed about it but then decided that it was Allah's will and I will try again tomorrow.

I really don't know what is happening to me but lately I have been feeling a lot of gratefulness for all the blessings Allah has afforded me and feel that whatever challenge that I face if I leave my urusan and redha tetapi usaha He will help me out. This is also the first time since I have been alone that even on days when I cannot pray I feel at peace and happy and not sad.

I think the first six months I was here was really bad for me and so when I now feel better about being away from home and family I feel that I cannot thank Allah enough for not making me feel like 'being in a very very dark place' like I did before; anymore. I did think though that where Allah challenges He eases, and vice versa; and now where my challenge with my family has lessened my workloads/PhD project lab work is getting worse.

Lately it seems as though everything that I am doing that used to be 'kacang' before doesn't seem to work. It has been three weeks since my positive controls have not shown any growth and until I sort that out I was told by my supervisor I best not do anything else.

Well to be honest this is also my first time incorporating controls in my work as previously the stuff I used to do with Claudia didn't necessitate them. So at first I was really gutted and disappointed that I totally didn't know what else to do as I so did not want to disapooint James.

But somehow or rather in my trying to find answers and peace in my heart from all my troubles I began to approach Allah just like I did before when I was in this really dark place some months back. I know that since I came back from Malaysia I had been talking to Him a lot lesser than before.

But when I began to approach Him again to tell him of my troubles again, again He didn't disappoint me. In ways that I did not know how, I felt inclined somewhat to read religious books, listen to lectures on YouTube from Dr. Asri (AP Ustaz Dr.MAZA) and berpuasa where I can; as well as sembahyang Tahajud and Taubat whenever an opportunity arose.

Syukur alhamdulillah my peace and calm has since returned. I now know that although my work is very important right now and I must do my best, if something wrong happens to it , Allah and my PhD are not exclusive. I have Him to help me above all else.

Sure James and Claudia are two very important people in my life tetapi if I bulatkan hati dalam berbuatkan kerja dan usaha sehabis baik SERTA bulatkan hati kepada Allah it will be all right insyaAllah.

No matter what the challenge. What's paramount right now is my relationship with Allah must not falter. If it does then there goes all hope for me.

I know I am not religious and I can never ever aspire to be an ustazah after this ( Ustazahs are too respectable, knowledgeable than I can ever be) but I hope that this journey alone on my own doing my PhD will also increase my level of knowledge, appreciation and submission to Allah s.w.t and Rasulullah s.a.w (p.b.u.h) . Maybe this is why Allah wants me here on my own as I realized when I went back to Malaysia life previously has been too busy it was so easy for me to find an excuse not be closer to Allah.

Now I have the opportunity. I hope I am right in feeling that Allah wants to give me Jannah in the afterlife that's why He has opened my heart whilst it's still not too late.

InsyaAllah, ameen.

I am so thankful to be a Muslim today more than ever, to be given the blessings of my family, sisters and brother, my in-laws and family as well as friends.

I will do my best in my studies so that I will not disappoint Allah s.w.t, RAsulullah s.a.w., my husband, children, siblings, parents and everyone who loves me.

No matter how tough it is and I know it will get much tougher than this, if I put in the greatest effort and bulatkan hati redha dan bertakwa kepada Allah insyaAllah I will get through this.

All that matters is to maintain this peace and love for Allah in my heart and not let anything get in its way; then I will be fine.

Ameen, thank you YA ALLAH


Friday, October 26, 2012

Aidil Adha ..Adelaide 2012 A day to remember

On this blessed day I would like to take this opportunity  to wish all my Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Korban or Aidil Adha. In trying times like these, we only have to look back to the sacrifices Nabi Ibrahim a.s. to know our place in the world. We put our faith in Allah s.w.t.

This is my first Aidil Adha away from home, my beloved husband, children and kids Arian and Gagi as I am spending them here in Adelaide as a student with friends of my housemate and from my lab.

It has been a good day . At first my friend Donald, Alex and Bui all PhD student mates from Steve Kidd's lab came. Then we had Umi and Ji come. Now we are entertaining Zira's friends. I hope they have all enjoyed themselves :-)

Zira's friends..

Me and Zira

Afiq and I

Me, Zira, Umi, Ji, Alex and Bui..with Donald taking our photos

My family are all in Kota Kinabalu and have just been sending me photos of the 'ibadah qurban' they are going to in Kota Belud.

When I looked at the photos, I wondered if Gagi my seven year old were scared and also realized I will need to explain to him the significance of the slaughter of animals to eid-al-adha. Being forgetful of all the things I have previously learnt in religious school when I was a child I decided to scour the internet for some information and found a chapter which I thought will be helpful for me to explain to Gagi later.

Hope we all enjoy this snippet of history of Aidiladha :-)

During the Hajj, Muslims remember and commemorate the trials and triumphs of the Prophet Abraham or as we know him Nabi Ibrahim a.s. The Qur'an describes Nabi Ibrahim a.s. as follows:
"Surely Ibrahim was an example, obedient to Allah, by nature upright, and he was not of the polytheists. He (Ibrahim) was grateful for Our bounties. We chose him and guided him unto a right path. We gave him good in this world, and in the next he will most surely be among the righteous." (Qur'an 16:120-121)

One of Nabi Ibrahim's (a.s.) main trials was to face the command of Allah to kill his only son. Upon hearing this command, he prepared to submit to Allah's will. When he was all prepared to do it (even after much persuasion by Satan not to heed the order), Allah s.w.t revealed to him that his "sacrifice" had already been fulfilled. He had shown that his love for Allah s.w.t superceded all others, that he would lay down his own life or the lives of those dear to him in order to submit to Allah s.w.t.

Instead, Allah s.w.t. told him to instead sacrifice a ram.

During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate and remember the trials Nabi Ibrahim a.s., by themselves slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, camel, or goat. This action is very often misunderstood by those outside the faith.

Allah s.w.t. has given us power over animals and allowed us to eat meat, but only if we pronounce His name at the solemn act of taking life. Muslims slaughter animals in the same way throughout the year. By saying the name of Allah s.w.t. at the time of slaughter, we are reminded that life is sacred.
The meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor.

The act symbolizes our willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts, in order to follow Allah's commands. It also symbolizes our willingness to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah s.w.t., and we should open our hearts and share with others.
It is very important to understand that the sacrifice itself, as practiced by Muslims, has nothing to do with atoning for our sins or using the blood to wash ourselves from sin. This is a misunderstanding by those of previous generations: "It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your piety that reaches Him." (Qur'an 22:37)
The symbolism is in the attitude - a willingness to make sacrifices in our lives in order to stay on the Straight Path. Each of us makes small sacrifices, giving up things that are fun or important to us. A true Muslim, one who submits his or herself completely to Allah s.w.t., is willing to follow His commands completely and obediently. It is this strength of heart, purity in faith, and willing obedience that Allah s.w.t. desires from us.

Syukur alhamdulillah we have been blessed by Allah this year to be given the opportunity to be part of the 'ibadah qurban' by being given by kind brothers two lots for us which was initially never there for us asthe stock had run out. So syukur alhamdulillah, we have one part for the 'qurban' and one part for Gagi's 'aqiqah' which hasn't been done. Indeed the money we paid for the two parts was really 'nothing' for all the blessings Allah has graced us. A sacrifice that we so want to do to remember Nabi Ibrahim's (a.s) sacrifice.

Back to Aidil Adha :

Aidil Adha also falls on the second day of the Haj period.

On the second day of the pilgrimage, the pilgrims leave Mina just after dawn to travel to the Plain of Arafah for the culminating experience of the Hajj. On what is known as the "Day of Arafah,” the pilgrims spend the entire day standing (or sitting) near the Mount of Mercy, asking Allah s.w.t. for forgiveness and making supplications. Muslims around the world who are not at the pilgrimage join them in spirit by fasting for the day. After sunset on the Day of Arafah, the pilgrims leave and travel to a nearby open plain called Muzdalifah, roughly halfway between Arafah and Mina. There they spend the night praying, and collecting small stone pebbles to be used the following day.

On the third day, the pilgrims move before sunrise, this time back to Mina. Here they throw their stone pebbles at pillars that represent the temptations of Satan. When throwing the stones, the pilgrims recall the story of Satan’s attempt to dissuade Nabi Ibrahm a.s. from following God’s command to sacrifice his son. The stones represent Nabi Ibrahim’s rejection of Satan and the firmness of his faith.

After casting the pebbles, most pilgrims slaughter an animal (often a sheep or a goat) and give away the meat to the poor. This is a symbolic act that shows their willingness to part with something that is precious to them, just as the Nabi Ibrahim a.s. was prepared to sacrifice his son at Allah’s command.

May we have all learnt something from this post today. Most importantly how wonderful our Deen is and how blessed we are to be part of is special day today.

Amin ya Rabbal Al-Amin...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A rubbish week for lab work

Today out of many days is one day I have been looking forward to with regards to working in the lab. Today was supposedly the culmination of all my work these past few months via the results I should be getting .
But I was dead shit wrong :-(

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kuasa Allah yang dirasakan bila kita mendekatiNya

Hello all,
It's only me today with my usual rants. Today is the 1st Zulhijjah and insyaAllah I am fasting. It will be only 15 mins before buka puasa so I decided to jot down a few words before Iftar.
Its really Allah's grand plan that I am allright to be fasting today. I had actually planned to do this 1-9 day fasting in the month of Zulhijjah which is considered sunat for us to puasa on these days. But as luck would have it I kena diarrhoea yesterday with stomach cramps.. so I thought : Oh No..looks like I cannot fast tomorrow.
When I woke up, I deliberated about fasting because although my tummy felt better but because I did not bersahur yesterday I was afraid I was going to get gastric pains. Then  I thought : Zarina : Bulatkan hati..mudah-mudahan Allah permudahkan puasa engkau macam minggu lepas masa engkau tak sahur ..
The moment I decided ...lo and behold my hunger went away..just like that..! And I only startted feeling hungry about 3pm just now.

This is what I want to share with you : More so today I truly believe that if you want to do some good in the eyes of Allah and asked Him to give you a hand with it..he will help you..

Syukur alhamdulillah..I am so blessed and happy to be a Muslim.. :-)
Semoga Allah membantuku untuk menjadi dan mati seorang muslimah yang cintakan Allah dan agamaNya..amin  :-)

Loved today..realised that being alone allows me more time with Allah and to know my self better..maybe thats what He wants me to do..

On the bus going home, I met a Kak Ros who runs the Rumah Hassan canteen..she says there are many food there..wanna go one day

All in all it has been one blessed day for me...started it off by talking to Arian and Gagi and got to talk to my husband that I miss and love so much Baba... then petang masak untuk buka puasa and now waiting..

Syukur alhamdulillah...I feel so small and blessed :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A day which was a bit blah for me..thank God for old Malay songs..!

Hello everyone,
I am not sure if its to do with my previous trips back to Malaysia and the US but this week I feel as if I am not arsed to do anything although I have tonnes to do. Whats made it worse was that today's weather was also slightly yucky so for some strange reason I felt a bit overwhelmed with the experiements that I had to do today. Especially when I got the Chiquititta song from Mak Long ;-)
Anyways, I did as much as I could then I headed home asap..
Before that though..nasib I went to the surau and got to do jumaah prayers so that made me feel better.
Went home I looked up all te old songs that I used to listen to on YouTube and thank God they made me feel way better..
C Ya..!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Photos from recent conference trip to the US of A..

Hello all...
Again as promised here are some photos of my recent trip to Miami with my dear darling supervisor Dr.Claudia Trappetti and her lovely other half Luca Amorricchio..!!
I must say what an absolute privelege it was for me to be able to be funded by my Principal supervisor Prof. James Paton to attend this 6th ASM Conference on Biofilms which ran from the 29th Sept 2012 to 5th October 2012..The conference was a very good and educational experience for me as well as getting the chance to meet the pneumococcal biofilm group..nice..


Put down deposit for what is insyaAllah our home in Peninsula Malaysia -Senawang to be exact

Hello all!!
Promised to post some photos of recent happenings ..first up..Andy my dearest other half has somehow decided to buy another house for us for when we grow old in Seremban was a surprise for me at first but after seeing what he had in mind I must say I liked it..!!
Arian in front of the showhouse-its a semi-D :-)

Like the spacious front area..there is also 30' tanah at the side for our lot insyaAllah.

Nice kan? Amin..

Living room : 2 bedrooms downstairs and 3 more upstairs

Another view of the very spacious living area
here are some photos :

Enjoy..! and doakan ok :-)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Life after Eid holidays in Malaysia

MI it!!!
Assalamualaikum and hello everyone..!!
My, my it has been a really long while since I put pen to paper on this blog. So many things have happened since my last entry in June..but the biggest would have to be my holidays back home for Eid for a bit. I had such a fantastic time seeing and being with my family especially Baba, Arian and are some photos :

Gagi and Arian tired after collecting 'duit raya'
Tutti-Frutti time with kids and Uncle B while Baba goes for golf practice at the driving range

Mama and my gorgeous Arian yang dah 'big'

Glorious food for me when I arrived home from the airport..thanks Mak Long..!
I suppose I must say how very lucky and thankful I am, firstly to Allah for having afforded me this opportunity in monetary terms as well as opportunity. HE knows of all how much these past six months I have been struggling with my challenges being without my family who have been my solid rock support for the past 12 years.. for the very first time. And boy was it hard that I could not actually describe it and do not ever wish it to anyone -friends family that I love even my enemies. I know now that all that has happened- the tears I have shed is all Tarbiyyah for me..a process of learning and preparation for bigger things to come.. I hope I have not and will never ever let Him down..Thank you Allah .. for being there for me when my times were so dark I could hardly see..being my friend to speak to in the dead of the night with tears streaming down my face every time I did Tahajjud to speak to you. I owe YOU everything :-)

Then there's my family who in my most trying of times was always there no matter how hard it was also for them. My ever-loving and understanding husband  Baba Dr. Sazmal Arshad who listened to all my sorrows and sadness and pouring of stress, worries and homesickness all the time even when he was neck-deep in work and stress as the Asasi  'IT' guy  :-) as well as sorting out all the stuff required for home and kids as a dad and a mom at the very same time..his lectures, life, me, everything.

Thank you so much Baba .. This is for you : May our love always be Abadi like this song :-)

Then there are my kids who were always strong for me and tried to cheer me up : Arian and Gagi you guys don't know how much you have strengthened Mama in ways I never thought possible. Love you both with all my heart and soul..

Also..there were my sisters who were constantly there including all those who were friends in name but truly sisters in know who you are..thank you so much. lab mates who are most understanding and nice to me..and my grand supervisors Claudia and James..brilliant folks..

Well well what do I know its the 12th October today and before I know it I am already due for my Major Review for my one year candidature..

Life has been great so far syukur alhamdulillah.. even more now that I have had my holidays in Malaysia and been with my family. Such a recharging much needed boost to my future life in Adelaide. I suppose the first few months when I was here I did not only miss the kids but also worried to death about how they were all faring without me. But when I went home I saw it for myself that they were allright. Baba their dad has done such an excellent job making sure of that.

Thank you Baba :-)

Now that I am back into the lab from the holidays and oh-the conference  ..! Miami..I am now all charged up and raring to go. Before I left I had loads of uncertainties whether I could do this.

Now insyaAllah I think I can ...!!

Although I miss my family loads still I now feel a lot lot better being away from them..its still hard especially at times when work sucked but unlike before I know now I can manage it. I am out of the darkest pits I hope, of missing my family to the point of insanity :-)

The conference was educational and the trip was good. Will post some photos later ok..

Yesterday James and I caught up on my progress and I am so thankful and happy to have such a brilliant supervisor like him and Claudia.. When I came back my project was still questionable in many areas but in one meeting he ironed all that out for me..

After I came out of his room..I wanted to write something like this in my FB :

" How can a person remove the sick-to-the stomach feeling of a student's dread of project methodologies going wrong all the time and change it to that of a rainbow ? "

"I'd say that will have to be a damn good supervisor and I have one...Thank God for that !"

Its true. Thats exactly how I feel about James. Claudia and the rest of my wonderful friends in the lab. Every single one of them brilliant.. Charlie, Mel, Layla, David, Richard, Lauren, Hui, Adrienne, Austen, Adam, Brock and everyone else..!

Syukur alhamdulillah..

Now I am looking forward to going home to my unit in Kent Town and lepak with Nani and Zira..another two people in my life here that has helped me weather through these trying times.. I also made some nice new friends - Umi, Niza, etc....

This evening I will be doing some lit review that I have not done in ages since James said yesterday he will try to hold off the review until I could get a better hold on my methodologies and the results will be consistent :-)

InsyaAllah things for me..from where I am standing at the moment is defintely looking much brighter than when I saw it here a few months ago. I know things will get tough in my studies and work plus everything else but with what I know now and everyone's support I think, really think it will be allright ;-)

Thank you Allah , everyone..!
