Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan's wise words II

Dear Self:

'We humans have an innate predisposition towards doing the right thing. It's called fitrah. When we violate the spiritual programming inside of us guilt is a security mechanism warning us that what we are doing is violating our soul. '

Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan : A reality check from Surah Al-Qiyamah

Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan's wise words..

'The vast majority of Muslims who receive an education would have received a modern education. As a result of that, even if we don't disbelieve in Allah swt, even if we don't disbelieve in akhirat, even if we don't disbelieve in soul and cleanliness of heart, FOR ALL PRACTICAL PURPOSES OUR ATTITUDES ARE NO DIFFERENT TO WHAT THE EUROPEAN REVOLUTION INTENDED : that what we don't disbelieve in: DOESN'T MATTER' - Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan : A reality check from Surah Al-Qiyamah.